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Delivering Market Trends

Out of home delivery in Europe,
PUDOs and automated parcel machines report

Report summary:

The 'Out of home delivery in Europe, PUDOs and automated parcel machines report' 
a compendium of knowledge on European PUDO point and APM network operators.

Green Last Mile Europe report


Report summary:

The 'Green Last Mile' report highlights the efforts of logistics and e-commerce operators to enhance their sustainability practices.

Polish CEP report


Report summary:

The 'Polish CEP report’ provides an overview of the state and scale of the Courier and Express Parcel sector.

Ukrainian CEP report


Report summary:

The 'Ukrainian CEP report' - War has hugely impacted the economy, including in the transport sector. Find out how the carriers and postal services are faring during this difficult time.

Out of home delivery in Gulf Cooperation Council


Report summary:

The 'Out of home GCC 2022’ report gives readers an insight into the CEP market in the Gulf countries.

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